Waiting Well
In Simeon’s time of waiting for God to fulfill His promise of seeing the Messiah, he was led by the Holy Spirit into the temple where Mary and Joseph brought baby Jesus as an act of obedience to Jewish law. Simeon did not force the promise of God to be fulfilled, nor could he. God, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, led Simeon to the fulfillment of His promise.
Just as Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit in a time of waiting on The Lord, so too are we to be led by the Holy Spirit in our time of waiting on God to fulfill a promise, answer a prayer, or hear from Him in His word. We cannot force God’s timing, and we in Scripture the negative consequences of trying to do so. We must be led by the Holy Spirit, and to be led by the Holy Spirit means to follow the Holy Spirit in a time of waiting on God.
Our flesh wants things now, and Satan loves to tempt our flesh in the pursuit of immediate satisfaction. Paul says in Galatians 5:16, “I say, then walk by the Spirit and you will certainly not carry out the desires of the flesh.” If we are walking by the Spirit, He will lead us to God’s provisions for our lives, just as He did for Simeon.
So let’s walk by the Spirit and be led by the Spirit throughout this Advent season.