Seeking God

Dec 12, 2024    Derek Hogg

Today, let’s consider what God says in verse Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek Me and find me when you search for Me with all your heart.” Judah had stopped seeking God and resorted to worship false gods. And now in this season of divine discipline by God, it might have seemed like God left them. But He didn’t, for it was the people that moved away from God, not the other way around.

In their time of waiting for the seventy years of captivity to be over and for God to restore them to their promised land, He tells them to seek Him with all their heart. When we are waiting on God, it can seem like He has moved from us. Satan will even sow lies that God has moved and forsaken us in a time of waiting. He hasn’t, for God promised that He would never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

In a time of waiting on God, seek Him with all your heart and you will find Him. When you do, you’ll see that He has not moved, but that He has been there all along. Notice how God said to seek Him with “all of your heart,” not just a portion of it. It is hard to seek God with all our hearts when we are so caught up in our own selfish desires and dreams. Seeking God with all our hearts is fully setting our minds on things above - on His will, resting in His timing, and faithfully continuing to read and follow His word in a time of waiting on the fulfillment of His plans and promises.

Therefore, seek God with all your heart and He will lead according to His timing and His plans.