Resolute & Rejoicing, Pt. 22 - Final Greetings (4:21-23)
Jun 19, 2022 • Pastor Jeremy Dente, Pastor Glenn Moore
Paul concludes his letter to the Philippians with some final greetings, especially from those of Caesar's household. All that Paul taught throughout this letter, and all that the Philippians were to be commended for, led to this one reality - that the furtherance of the gospel is always to be the primary mission of the church. And we need to remember that the furtherance of the gospel, to a great extent, lied squarely on the shoulders of godly men who's mission in life was God's mission. In this final message of the series, we learn 5 ways men can be godly fathers and leaders, and how all Christians can can experience the resolve and joy that we're commanded to live out as followers of Jesus Christ.