Waiting Well
We now come to the end of the story of Simeon in Luke 2, as well as to the end of our first week of devotions for Advent. But unlike many stories, this one culminates not on an emotional high, but a sober prophecy of future events. After joyfully praising God for baby Jesus, Simeon turns to his mother Mary with a completely different tone in verses 34-35, "Behold this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also), so that thoughts from many hearts may be revealed."
This change in tone was likely unexpected by Mary and Joseph, and might even offend some. However, Simeon's words are a powerful forecasting of the life of the infant Jesus and the future division he will bring between those who believe and those who don't. And because he will accomplish this through the cross of calvary, Mary will, in particular, go through agonizing pain, watching her son die a most excruciating death.
So why is this important for us right now? Great question! I think this can serve as a great reminder that we mustn't take the joyful times in life for granted, nor should we rest in them and allow them to unnecessarily color our expectations of the future. God alone is sovereign, and He alone determines our days. And we should always live in such a way so as to be prepared for the future. Not to forget about today, and not to worry about tomorrow, but to simply have the wisdom and the humble understanding that God's thoughts and motives and plans are always great than ours.
Surely Mary couldn't understand or appreciate the words of Simeon in those early days of Jesus’s infancy. But I could imagine that between the words of the angel Gabriel and of Simeon and the moving of the Holy Spirit in her own mind and heart, Mary was beginning to understand that her son Jesus meant more to the world than even she could comprehend.
And maybe you can't fully comprehend what God's doing in your life right now; that's ok! Continue to discipline yourself to wait well. Remain and abide in His word, so you can hear from Him. And trust Him as He prepares you for tomorrow!