Faithful Completion

Apr 26, 2021    Charlie Warren

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

I started this painting two years ago. That’s right folks...two years!

I worked on the sky tirelessly, until one day, I retired it unfinished, and swore I would never touch it again. That was final! I was finished (and frustrated) with it.

But God had other plans.

This week I was asked to paint something for a fundraiser and I had about a day to do it. So once again he pulled me towards this painting, and we partnered to bring glory to his creation. To think that this canvas sat unfinished; waiting for its masterpiece for two years is crazy. But He had a purpose for it happening just the way it did.

This week, I also celebrated a dear friend of mine who lost her battle with breast cancer in November. And the thing that I kept thinking as I sat at her service was how God was just absolutely shining through her more than ever. Her life, and the way that she fought her battle, pointed straight to Jesus. That’s exactly how I remember her, and she inspires me literally every day. Her body may not be with us any longer, but boy was she giving a testimony a TON of people who were there to celebrate her.

So often we think that something is finished. So often we think that something is complete...but God has other plans. He showed me this last week, through this painting, and through my friend, that He will use what we think is final...what we think is the most broken circumstance...and He will make beauty from it.

Yesterday, my friend was alive! She was alive in the words that were spoken about Jesus; she was alive in the hearts of every one of those people who heard those words, and I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of how her life and her story of dedication to God’s faithfulness is going to reach people.

God’s faithfulness doesn’t always start out looking like what we think it should...but HE IS FAITHFUL. He wasn’t done with this painting...He’s surely not done with my friend and the impact her life will make, and He isn’t done with you.

His plans are greater, His plans are beautiful, and when He reveals them, man are they magnificent!