Prepare Him Room: Living the Wonder of Christmas
Family time is truly a time to rejoice and cherish one another. Your family, whether that's mom and dad, or a friendly couple from church, can be some of the most important people to have around during the Christmas season. It is necessary to see how fellowship within family can help spread the power of the Holy Spirit.
In Luke 1:39-45, Mary visits Elizabeth, which helps us understand the importance of family time. Verse 41 says, “When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.” Mary’s visit with Elizabeth was so rewarding that Elizabeth even felt the Lord as she was greeted by Mary.
We too can spread a joyful greeting to our families as we visit them this time of year. Take this family time as an opportunity to share the power of the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth continues in verse 43, “But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” Imagine how family time must have felt for Elizabeth and Mary, having the ability to celebrate what the Lord blessed them with that year.
Let this be a reminder of the beauty of family time and how those experiences can bring encouragement and celebration with others.