Prepare Him Room: Spiritual Readiness and Formation

Dec 21, 2023    Pastor Jeremy Dente

As a preacher of God’s word, little else in the Christian life compares to being filled with Holy Spirit and blessing God and declaring the truths of His word. The reality of God’s existence is often most tangible in those moments and experiences.

By the time John was born to Zechariah and Elizabeth, I’m sure Zechariah’s faith had grown so exponentially that the bold proclamations of blessing the Lord and prophesying in His name seemed the most reasonable response to his new found faith. Zechariah had learned so much about God during those nine months between Elizabeth’s conception and John’s birth that he could not help but declare a word from the Lord.

Have you been so radically impacted by God that the only reasonable response was bold proclamation? Has God’s love and providential care for you life caused to proclaim his goodness to the world around you?

We’re just a few days away from Christmas, and yet we have ample time to remember the goodness of God and reflect on how he has provided and what he has done in our lives. Let’s be intentional this weekend to prepare room for Jesus and be open to him leading us to proclaim the riches of his glory to an unbelieving world!