Prepare Him Room: Choosing Your Master
Repentance means to have a change of mind and action. When we say we repent of our sin, we are acknowledging that the action was sinful, and we turn from it and turn to Jesus.
This was the heart posture that Zacchaeus had. Zacchaeus was a rich tax collector who got rich by dishonest gain and was living in sin through his love of money. But when he had a desire to meet Jesus and had an encounter with him, Zacchaeus realized his sin, his love for money, and how he cheated people to get rich So he repented; he had a changed mind and heart. So much so that he tells Jesus “Look I’ll give half of my possessions to the poor, Lord. And if I have extorted anything form anyone, I’ll pay back four times as much.” Zacchaeus had such a heart of repentance that he was going to pay back double the required amount by the law.
We can fall into the same sin with money. We can get so concerned with finances that we put money before God, especially during the holiday season. So let’s prepare him room with our finances this holiday season. You can repent of putting financial concerns before Jesus and make him first in your life. What a great example that can be that salvation has truly come into your life! Read Matthew 6:19-34.