Prepare Him Room: Spiritual Readiness and Formation

Dec 19, 2023    Katie Baatrup

The advent season can be very busy and chaotic - Christmas parades, shopping, family events and more! It seems we cannot add another task onto our calendar. However, as Christians, it is important that we remember to continue to separate ourselves from distractions and give time to Jesus. Being in silence and solitude is crucial to our spiritual formation and allows us opportunity for great devotion.

Reading Luke 1:20-23, “And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time...” Zechariah was taught through silence that trusting in the Lord would give him great reward. The Lord was preparing Zechariah to have full trust in Him for the impossible – that he and his wife would have a long-awaited son.

Practice solitude with the Lord this Christmas. This devoted time can give you the strength to dive into the word, read devotions, or pray. Having intimate alone time with the Lord allows you the ability to give your undivided attention to building that relationship with Him. Prepare Him room by spending alone-time with Him regularly and continue that spiritual formation this Advent season.