Prepare Him Room: Choosing Your Master

Dec 11, 2023    Pastor Jeremy Dente

What are you seeking? The answer to that question will define the substance of your heart and the quality of your life. Is it acceptance? Is it purpose? Is it a sense of identity? Is it financial stability?

Culture says that your job and your bank account will provide you with all the significance and stability you need, and yet, experience will often remind us that that couldn’t be further from the truth!

Zacchaeus had all the financial stability a man of his day could ask for. Luke 19 introduces us to this chief tax collector who was very rich. However, there seems to have been something missing in his life, an emptiness that no amount of money could fill. In verse 3, we read, “…he was seeking to see who Jesus was…”

Why would a chief tax collector seek to find out about this itinerant rabbi who had no significant earthly treasure? Was it that Jesus could offer him something that this world couldn’t offer…something that would satisfy the deepest desires and longings of his heart?

This Advent season, seek Jesus. And don’t let anything stop you! His promise is true – seek him with all your heart, and you will find him; and in him, and him alone, will you satisfy the deepest longings of your heart!